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Business process reengineering

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Business process reengineering

Business process reengineering is a field of creation or reforming the enterprise business model. It is often completed as an independent project. IFSZ mainly completes
business process reengineering related to informatic system implementation preceding or parallel to the implementation. But we also undertake assignments for independent business process reengineering projects.

Business process reengineering (BPR) can be induced by several reasons in an enterprise, like implementation of ERP, other informatic system, or quality assurance system, demand for unified and standard processes, company transformation, company acquisition, market change etc.

In all cases when the demand of business process reengineering arises then we have to analyse and interpret the existing business processes with high level accuracy. The reasons of change, the goals to reach, the available resources and the staff responsible for the project coordination of both parties are to be cleared.
This clarification and definition enables that the goals laid down in the company strategy will not be written conception only but they will be the foundation stones of a dynamic ERP system. We analyze the environment and company business processes by the method we apply and by the result of it we can re-evaluate and select the necessary process steps for accomplishing the goals.
BPR is a complex examination of the entire company, it bases on the survey of the initial situation and its analyses results the determination of the goals to achieve and business areas to change. The result of the analyses is summed up in a study which contains our recommendations for re-organization of business processes grouped by functional business areas. By realizing these recommendations the planned goals (quality improvement, reducing costs, shorter business response times etc.) can be achieved.

The implementation of a business application is still far from its end by completing the re-organization of business processes and the preparation of the study. The human factor is very important during the project including both parties like the clients and the implementation experts. Therefore we put special focus on the project management which works for the achievement of well-defined goals. The accurate planning of the project (tasks, time and resource planning, definitions of milestones), regular supervision, client's participation, the appropriate documentation preparation of the project and the methodology applied contribute to make our work effective and to make the project successful.

In case of integrated ERP system implementation one of the project success factors is the readiness of the organization to accept the new system. The implementation can be eased and the unavoidably emerging "implementation shock" can be decreased if determined project leaders of both parties (client and implementation experts) coordinate the tasks and project members. As a result decision-makers have a more detailed and accurate view over the crucial questions of the project, they can keep the main project figures (time, costs, human resource needs) under control more easily and the project becomes more flexible and there is a bigger freedom in schedule making.

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